Resisting the Tyranny of the Urgent

Messy house – check. Unfinished to-do list – check.   Guilt and exhaustion – check.  Need for Sabbath – check. As I finish writing this blog (on Sunday night), I’m acutely aware of the many things that are undone in my life.  But I’m also aware of my aching need to be undone by the Lord of the Sabbath.  I need Him to “un-do” the tangles of...
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Worry Repellent

Worry is like sitting in a rocking chair – it gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.  Even though I know this is true, I still too often find myself gnawing on my worry like a dog gnawing on a bone. The Greek word used most often in the New Testament for worry carries the meaning of being divided – having a divided mind, a divided heart.  Being literally...
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