Linda’s Publications


These and other Faith Alive 365 resources by Linda and Phil Sommerville can be immediately downloaded on Kindle or purchased in hard copy at Faith Alive 365

The Seven I AMs of Jesus: How Jesus Meets Your Deepest Needs. A 50-Day daily devotional and small group studies (that can also be used as part of the all-church sermon series).





The Christmas ADVENTure – Advent Devotions & Activities for Celebrating a Christ-Centered Season:  A daily Advent guide including devotionals and activities for families and individuals.




StressBusters:40 Days With The Shepherd,      a daily devotional book that has a coordinating small group study and sermon series, (co-authored & edited by Linda & Phil Sommerville, with guest contributors).




Amen, All By Myself: Finding God in Life’s Wilderness,   story of Sherwood Carthen, Pastor of Bayside of South Sacramento, and his wilderness experiences with God (written by Linda & Phil Sommerville).



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