Healthy Rhythms for 2014

I don’t often have this happen, but at the beginning of 2014, I sensed God giving me two words for the year:  “Healthy Rhythms.”  Right away I knew what these two words meant (and it has nothing to do with dance or music lessons – though that would be fun). They are an invitation for me to return to healthier ways of doing life.  The past two years have taken a real...
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My Ash Wednesday Psalm

                      Ashen gray the sheet of waterless clouds hanging low overhead. Ashen gray the veil of bitter numbness shrouding my heart. And so Lent begins. I am detached from myself this Ash Wednesday. Wanting.   Desperately wanting a spark of the Divine to melt the walls of my self-imprisonment. Weary.  Burdened and weary as I...
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