You Are God’s Beloved – A Valentine’s Truth In a Love-Starved World

The truest thing about you is that you are God’s beloved. Today on this Valentine’s Day of hearts and romance, I need to remember the truth about who I really am.  And so do you.  We are God’s beloved. As pastor and author Henri Nouwen says, “Being the Beloved expresses the core truth of our existence” (Life of the Beloved, pg. 28). Regardless of whether anyone...
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ASH Wednesday ReBoot

  Life has “happened” to me in the past couple of months. Unexpected financial challenges, job stress, two family members having cancer surgery, and so on… But on this Ash Wednesday I am filled with hope and expectation once again. Lent always reminds me that God’s mercies are new every morning, and that I can start fresh again. On this first day of Lent… I...
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Healthy Rhythms for 2014

I don’t often have this happen, but at the beginning of 2014, I sensed God giving me two words for the year:  “Healthy Rhythms.”  Right away I knew what these two words meant (and it has nothing to do with dance or music lessons – though that would be fun). They are an invitation for me to return to healthier ways of doing life.  The past two years have taken a real...
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My Ash Wednesday Psalm

                      Ashen gray the sheet of waterless clouds hanging low overhead. Ashen gray the veil of bitter numbness shrouding my heart. And so Lent begins. I am detached from myself this Ash Wednesday. Wanting.   Desperately wanting a spark of the Divine to melt the walls of my self-imprisonment. Weary.  Burdened and weary as I...
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Breakfast with Sherwood – Lessons from the Wilderness

This morning I sit at the dining table where my husband, Phil, and I often sat with our dear friend, Sherwood Carthen – or “Bishop”, as many called him.  As I enjoy a cup of coffee and a scrambled egg, I can almost see Sherwood, sitting across the table, rolling his eyes as he tells the story of some “nonsense” that happened this past week as he struggled to be the...
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