You Are God’s Beloved – A Valentine’s Truth In a Love-Starved World

The truest thing about you is that you are God’s beloved. Today on this Valentine’s Day of hearts and romance, I need to remember the truth about who I really am.  And so do you.  We are God’s beloved. As pastor and author Henri Nouwen says, “Being the Beloved expresses the core truth of our existence” (Life of the Beloved, pg. 28). Regardless of whether anyone...
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ASH Wednesday ReBoot

  Life has “happened” to me in the past couple of months. Unexpected financial challenges, job stress, two family members having cancer surgery, and so on… But on this Ash Wednesday I am filled with hope and expectation once again. Lent always reminds me that God’s mercies are new every morning, and that I can start fresh again. On this first day of Lent… I...
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