What is it?
Spiritual direction is a ministry of listening, discernment, and prayer in a confidential setting of encouragement and compassion. The underlying assumption of spiritual direction is that God acts in every area of our lives – at home, work, play, and worship – and all of these areas are part of our journey with God.
As a spiritual director, I accompany others on their faith journey and together we listen and discern what God is saying and doing in their life. I find it to be a great joy to sit with others before God and help them experience Him more fully in their lives.
How Do I Know if
It’s Right For Me?
Spiritual Direction May be for You if:
- You desire greater intimacy with God
- You sense the value of having another look at your life and listen to the voice of God with you, helping you to explore and deepen your experiences of God
- You feel stuck in your relationship with God
- A vital relationship with God is important to you
- You are facing a decision in your life
How often are the sessions?
I usually meet with people for about an hour, one time per month, depending on what is happening in someone’s life and what their specific needs are. It is also possible to meet more frequently if needed or desired. Please contact me for information about setting up a free exploratory spiritual direction session.
Quotes On Spiritual Direction
“Spiritual direction is the act of paying attention to God, calling attention to God, being attentive to God in a person or circumstances or a situation….It notices the Invisibilities in and beneath and around the Visibilities. It listens for the Silences between the spoken Sounds.”
– Eugene H. Peterson (quoted by Marjorie Thompson in Soul Feast)
“Spiritual direction is a prayer process in which a person seeking help in cultivating a deeper personal relationship with God meets with another for prayer and conversation that is focused on increasing awareness of God in the midst of life experiences and facilitating surrender to God’s will.”
– David Benner in Sacred Companions
“We define spiritual direction, then, as help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.”
– William Barry and William Connolly, The Practice of Spiritual Direction
For more information on the ministry of Spiritual Direction, you can also check out the following sites:
Evangelical Center for Spiritual Wisdom
“b” (a Christian spiritual direction ministry)
The Evangelical Covenant Church – ministry of Spiritual Direction