12 Days of Christmas Countdown – DAY TWELVE

12 Days of Christmas Countdown

– Invitation to Take a Leap of Faith –

I’m taking an Advent leap of faith.  I’m attempting to do a “Twelve Days of Christmas Countdown” here on my blog to help you – and me – stay open to God’s leading during these important days leading up to Christmas.  I’ve wrestled with God about this, since this tends to be a very busy time for us all.  I mean seriously, how on earth am I going to add one more thing to my “to do” list?

But one thing I’ve learned about wrestling matches with God – He’s a better wrestler than I am.  And I don’t want to miss out on the chance to see what He has to say in the coming days.

So I’m going to follow in Mary’s footsteps and respond to God in the way she did when she learned that God had an impossible task for her.  When the angel told her she would become pregnant with the Son of God – even though she was still a virgin – she responded by saying, “I am the Lord’s servant.  May it be to me as you have said.”  (Luke 1:38)

Mary said “yes” to God.  And because of her willingness, God took over and did the impossible.

At this moment as I sit here late on a Sunday night writing, with kids in bed and dirty laundry yet to do, I don’t know how I’m going to fulfill this Advent Twelve-Days-Countdown.  I just know that I sense God’s leading in this.  So I choose to say, “I am the Lord’s servant.  May it be to me as you have said.”

So now here’s my question for you:  Where is God calling you to say “yes” to Him today?  To say, “May it be to me as you have said”?  Where is He calling you to step out of your comfort zone?  To take a risk?  To trust Him more?  Where are you sensing God leading you to do something that is so beyond you that if God doesn’t show up, you’re doomed to failure?

I would encourage you to listen for His Holy Spirit nudges throughout the day today.  And if you sense His leading, follow quickly.  I will be seeking to do the same – especially in the next twelve days.  My strong belief is that as we follow Him closely, He will pour out blessings on each of us that we haven’t yet even dared to ask for.

If you have a few minutes each day to check out my blog in the next twelve days leading up to Christmas, my hope and prayer is that you will find at least some small nugget of encouragement to light your day and help you stay focused on God’s presence.  And may God draw us all closer to Christ as we say “yes” to Him.


  1. Thank you, Linda, for leading by example on this one! Watching you do it speaks even more powerfully than hearing you say it. 🙂

    I especially felt the phrase “follow quickly” stand out to me as I read through this. Many times I sense the lead of God but try and stick it somewhere lower on my to-do list below everything else I already think I need to do. I tell myself that I’ll get to it. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.

    Today, I determine to *follow quickly* once I know He’s spoken to my heart!

  2. Tammy Vanella

    Linda…thank you for putting faith into practice through obedience so that the rest of us will be encouraged to do likewise. This must be the season for following quickly because I have also been feeling that nudge to trust God’s lead and act immediately. Even before I read this I had made the decision to do just that so this is great confirmation! So…may it be to me as He has said. ♥

  3. Patty Licata

    I missed the opportunity to follow quickly last week, and it haunted me all weekend. I do not want to miss any opportunities again.

    Thanks Linda for the nudge…to listen and act quickly before life and excuses get in the way. I look forward to future blogs.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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